
Our Funding Programs

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The Oklahoma Water Resources Board's (OWRB) Financial Assistance Division assists communities in their efforts to protect and conserve Oklahoma's water resources for current and future generations through cost-effective financial products, technical assistance, and high quality customer service. To find more information, please visit here.

Loan Programs:

The CWSRF loan program is funded by EPA capitalization grants, state matching funds, and bonds. The CWSRF is administered by the OWRB. The interest rate is approximately 60% of AAA market rate with 40% savings through federal subsidy.

The DWSRF loan program is funded by EPA capitalization grants, state matching funds, loan repayments, investment earnings, and bonds. The DWSRF is co-administered by the OWRB and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ). The interest rate is approximately 70% of AAA market rate with 30% savings through federal subsidy.

The OWRB's state loan revenue bond program offers long term, variable interest rate funding with a fixed rate conversion option. This low interest rate is based on the OWRB's AAA credit rating. 

Grant Programs:

The Emergency Grant Program is a point-based program designed to assist communities facing crises which threaten life, health, or property.

The REAP Grant Program is a point-based program designed to assist smaller communities that lack sufficient fiscal capacity. Cities, towns, and municipalities with a population less than 1,750 are given priority. Rural water and/or sewer districts with less than 525 non-pasture customers are also given priority.

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