
Press Release

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Town of Brooksville Receives $1,153,846 Grant for Water System Improvements from the OWRB

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October 15, 2024

Press Release

OKLAHOMA CITY –The Town of Brooksville (Town) received approval for $1,153,846 in funding Tuesday from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) to improve the Town’s water infrastructure.  Construction of upgrades and improvements to the water system will be financed by the OWRB American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant program.

The Town of Brooksville is moving forward with essential upgrades to its aging water system to improve service reliability. As part of the project, Brooksville will connect to Pottawatomie County RWD #3 as a backup water source to ensure a steady supply during emergencies. Key improvements include the installation of new meters, valves, blow-offs, and fire hydrants, closing system loops, drilling two new wells, and constructing a new pump station. These enhancements will significantly modernize the town’s water infrastructure, benefiting residents and ensuring long-term service stability.

Lori Johnson, chief of the OWRB’s Financial Assistance Division, calculated that the Town’s customers will save an estimated $1,778,800.00 compared to traditional financing.