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Arkoma Municipal Authority Receives $400,000 Wastewater System Loan with 100% Principal Forgiveness from the OWRB

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August 22, 2024

Press Release

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Arkoma Municipal Authority (Authority) received approval for a $400,000 loan with 100% principal forgiveness Tuesday from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) to improve the Authority’s wastewater infrastructure.  Construction of upgrades and improvements to the wastewater system will be financed by the Oklahoma Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF).

The Authority will use the approved funds to address significant challenges within the wastewater system. The main lift station is nearing the end of its life expectancy, resulting in increasing maintenance costs. The proceeds will be used to conduct camera inspections of the sewer collection system’s piping and plan, design, and engineer the recommended improvements to the collection system and lift station. These improvements will help reduce unintended flows to the wastewater treatment facility.

Lori Johnson, chief of the OWRB’s Financial Assistance Division, calculated that the Authority’s  customers will save an estimated $522,400 compared to traditional financing.