
Press Release

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The Porter Public Works Authority Receives $947,500 Grant for Water System Improvements

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July 16, 2024

Press Release

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Porter Public Works Authority (Authority) received approval for $947,500 in funding Tuesday from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) to improve the Authority’s water infrastructure.  Construction of upgrades and improvements to the water system will be financed by the OWRB American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant program along with Muskogee Creek matching funds of $947,500 and Wagoner County ARPA funds of $2,114,847.14.

The Authority operates a public water supply system serving the residents of Porter, OK. The main pipeline that the system receives water from fails frequently and is a health concern for the community. The proposed project will replace the failing pipe with 38,840 linear feet of 6-inch PVC watermain, ensuring a safer and more reliable water supply for Porter residents.

Joe Freeman, Chief of the OWRB’s Financial Assistance Division, calculated that the Authority’s customers will save an estimated $1,474,300 compared to traditional financing.