
Press Release

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Perkins Public Works Authority Receives $2,113,000 Grant for System Improvements

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July 16, 2024

Press Release

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Perkins Public Works Authority (Authority) received approval for $2,113,000 in funding Tuesday from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) to improve the Authority’s water/wastewater infrastructure.  Construction of upgrades and improvements to the water/wastewater system will be financed by the OWRB American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant program along with Iowa Tribal matching funds of $2,113,000.

The Authority operates a sanitary sewer system and a water distribution system, both of which are vital to the growing City of Perkins. To prevent overflows and meet increasing demand, the Authority will use the proceeds to construct a new lift station and install approximately 5,280 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe. Additionally, the Authority will address the City of Perkins' need for increased water storage capacity by constructing a new water tower and installing approximately 2,640 linear feet of 6-inch water line. These enhancements will ensure the City can adequately support its expanding population.

Joe Freeman, Chief of the OWRB’s Financial Assistance Division, calculated that the Authority’s customers will save an estimated $3,394,300 compared to traditional financing.