Bond Programs
Lori Johnson, Chief, Financial Assistance Division
Oklahoma Water Resources Board
Oklahoma Water Resources Board
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OKLAHOMA CITY – The Bethany-Warr Acres Public Works Authority (Authority) received approval for a $30,000,000 Financial Assistance Program (FAP) loan Tuesday from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) to improve their wastewater infrastructure.
The Authority owns and operates the Bluff Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to treat wastewater for the citizens of the City of Bethany and City of Warr Acres. The WWTP is in need of several upgrades and improvements. Rehabilitation includes new equipment for the Flow Equalization Basins, new equipment for the Headworks, new equipment for the Grit Removal System, new equipment for the Batch Reactors, new Centralized Blower and Air System, new Effluent Filters, new Disinfection System, new equipment for the Aerobic Digestors, new equipment for the Sludge Holding Tank and the Sludge processing building, and miscellaneous improvements to the building and electrical systems.
According to Joe Freeman, chief of the OWRB’s Financial Assistance Division, the Authority’s customers will save an estimated $8,151,600 over the life of the 31-year loan compared to traditional financing. The loan shall be secured with a lien on the revenues of the Bethany Public Works Authority’s water system and a three-cent sales tax and on the revenues of the Warr Acres Public Works Authority’s sewer system and a one-cent sales tax. Local officials attending the OWRB’s monthly meeting in support of the loan application included Elizabeth Gray, City Manager and Steve Manek, Consulting Engineer. Ms Gray stated, “Bethany and Warr Acres have a unique partnership and are very thankful for the opportunity to retool the aging wastewater system.”